April is shaping up to be a very different month than any of us at Camp Restore Detroit expected! Even in all the unknown and fear we know we worship a good and merciful God who remains faithful. As we enter Holy Week and a month of uncertainty, please continue to keep Camp Restore Detroit and our community in your prayers.
Prayers of Supplication:
- The safety of our community – Detroit has become one of the epicenters for COVID-19 in the United States and the virus is spreading rapidly. Detroit has suffered many losses, including some in our own community. Our prayers are with their families and our community as they grieve the losses.
- The safety of the Detroit Police Department – several Detroit police officers have tested positive for COVID-19, a few have passed away, and many others are quarantined. We pray for the officers’ safety as they put their lives at risk daily for the safety of our community. We are thankful none of the officers we know have tested positive, but many were quarantined and know others who tested positive or passed away.
- Guidance as Camp Restore Detroit looks at new ways to utilize our volunteers to connect with our community
- Wisdom and clarity for Camp Restore Detroit leaders and summer camp leaders as we make decisions for the safety of our campers and our community
- Camp Restore Detroit will continue to show God’s love to our community, campers, and all those we encounter
Prayers of Thanksgiving:
- Technology that allows us to maintain relationships with our community even when we are not physically together
- New dirt and landscaping plans for our Spring Garden Haven – One to two of our dedicated volunteers are working on our landscaping, while practicing social distancing, to get all the trees and plants from English Gardens planted before it’s too late!
- Jesus’ resurrection! This Easter likely looks very different for all of us, but that does not change what happened! We are so thankful for Jesus’ death and resurrection which grant eternal life to those who believe and allow us to share our hope with those around us!
We pray your Easter celebrations are filled with Christ’s love and hope! If you have any questions about Camp Restore Detroit or how to support our community during this time please call us at 586-764-2285, send us an email at [email protected], or click the button below!