by Walter Schmudlach
The last week of July, 2012 – what a week! Our teams began with lots of excitement and energy, and got a whole lot of great work done!
Lower Ninth Ward
New Orleans East
Great-great-great- grand mother is said to be 107 yrs old. Her goal is to live in her home before she dies. Earlier this year, her great-great-great granddaughter, who guides the repairs, went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Upon returning, she found her husband, who had suddenly passed away.
This family has been paying for some of the repairs, and things remain very tight. Despite this, they’re hopeful to be able to move in soon! The only thing holding them from reaching the goal is money to purchase kitchen cabinets, doors, and floor trim. Perhaps YOU could bring the group that brings them all the way home!
What a wonderful week. We are still excited but tired. Thankful for serving, for learning new things, and helping people get back in their homes!
-Walter Schmudlach