Summer is here!

Blogs, The Latest

Oh wait…. This is New Orleans. Summer has been here for a month already! Even Walt is breaking out the shorts to cope with the heat.

Camp is home to roughly 250 eager volunteers this week—the youngest of whom is a seven year old boy! Even at 6:00 am this morning, coffee was brewing and volunteers moved about the sanctuary preparing for the day. Breakfast is crazy as always with pb&j’s being made and work assignments are being doled out to leaders while bowls of oatmeal were dusted with brown sugar and cinnamon. (I’ve also never seen a group that loved Cocoa Puffs so much).

Now, all those eager, smiling faces that ran in and out of the building all morning are dispersed in the city. Camp is quiet and the a/c is able to catch its breath after the hectic morning. I walked to the serving area expecting to find it empty, but found Lorraine and her husband resting in a couple chairs.

“I’ve got the pork in the oven and everything else on the stove and it is too hot in that kitchen! I am taking a break.”

Now if I were Lorraine, I would’ve said the same thing but with a pleasantly loud, whining tone. But Lorraine smiled through her words and then laughed talking about how grateful she will be for the oven’s warmth come winter.

I’m not sure how many thousands of eggs Lorraine’s cooked in her kitchen trailer over the years or how many millions of grains of rice. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to build her a real kitchen. And then eat some of her gumbo.

You can donate to Camp Restore’s new kitchen for Lorraine on our donation page.


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Photos from Camp – Week of 6/9/2013
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Photos from Camp – Week of 6/23/2013

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