Hello everyone!
The last few weeks have been focused on getting to know us and our community a bit better. We hope you have really enjoyed it and learned a lot! If you want to share this with your friends, family, churches, universities, and more, that would be so helpful to us and our community!
Our first goal is to share God’s love and work with our community leaders to promote real change for a better life in our community, making it a place where people are incredibly happy to live and raise a family. Secondary to this, we really also want to help others learn how to serve well and carry this same concept to other communities, promoting authentic relationships and partnerships to work toward better futures.
We have a few resources to help you share this with others!
- Our virtual week that you learned about a couple weeks ago! This helps people get to know our community and the lens from which we serve so much better! Let us know, and we will happily email you all 5 days. We will even zoom with your team if you would like us to! Check out our Youtube account for some of the videos.
- Check out https://detroitcamprestore.org. We are even in the process of adding a “good news from the 9th” section to help people get to know our community even better!
- New Brochures! We have brochures for those who want to come serve and for those who want to support us. Printable pdf versions are attached. Please look at them, print them, and share them!
We are working diligently to make our annual budget up in new and different ways since we can not have overnight campers. We have come so far in reaching our goal. Visit www.camprestore.org/donate/ to help us get the rest of the way!
Thank you for all your support and care! We hope to see you serving on our campus, learning about our community, or telling others about Camp Restore and the 9th Precinct Community soon! Tell us all about it on our facebook and instagram accounts!
In His Grip,