The 2015-2016 season marks our 10th year of service in the Greater New Orleans Area! We’ve made great progress in restoration following Hurricane Katrina and continue to grow our community-building partnerships and projects with friends across the city.
Since 2006, over 25,000 volunteers of all ages, from all 50 states and more than 30 foreign countries, have stayed and served with us at Camp Restore. Together, we’ve worked on restoring over 500 homes (plus hundreds more with fellow nonprofits, including St. Bernard Project, Habitat for Humanity and, and contributed hundreds of thousands of hours with dozens of local nonprofits.
Travel blogger Michael Turtle visited Camp this past August and then caught up with some of our volunteers working with our partners
In addition to our volunteers, we’re also blessed to host local seniors weekly at our Lower 9th Ward and New Orleans East senior centers!
Most of New Orleans is now restored as well or even better than before, but due to the vast scale of devastation we started from, there is still substantial restoration work remaining. As we continue to help families return home, we’re also heavily investing in nonprofits and programs that are proactively working for our future, especially youth programming, urban farming and wetlands restoration.
We invite you and your friends to join us in these efforts and become part of our NOLA family. Whatever time of year works best for you, book your group and we look forward to serving with you soon!