We are on Amazon Smile! Amazon Smile is an extension of Amazon that allows shoppers to choose an organization that will receive a percentage of every purchase they make. This means that whenever you shop for things you need, you can also donate to a cause you believe in.
To support Camp Restore on Amazon Smile, start by going to smile.amazon.com and click “get started.” You will be asked to sign in to your account if you have not already done so. Then, you will have to choose your charity. To choose Camp Restore, enter Camp Rd Inc. and select the corresponding charity. You will be asked to check a box stating that you must always use Amazon smile for any of your proceeds to go to your selected charity. This just means that you have to use smile.amazon.com to shop instead of the regular Amazon website. It will not change your shopping experience. Once you have checked this box, it will redirect you to the main Amazon page and you can start shopping!
We are also in the process of setting up a donations list through Amazon Smile! This list will be used to ask for specific items, such as products for our campers, supplies for our programs, and more! We will keep you updated on how this is coming as the list is updated.
God is working in our organization in so many new ways this new year. This is just one exciting way that we are expanding our organization to help more people in our community. Thank you for your continued support and we cannot wait to have you as part of our Amazon Smile family!