I didn’t think I was ready for this. New Orleans summers, as many of you know, are brutal. Last year at this time, I was looking forward to a three-week vacation venturing through New England in August. This summer, I have no such getaway during these upcoming hot months. As these days have lingered on, the humidity has hovered over the city and the air conditioning has run full blast, I began to dread the upcoming days.
Last night, however, I got some energy back. We have our first group of high school volunteers for the Summer. We have interns. We have energy!
I had three awesome high school students from Faith Lutheran in Abilene, Kansas to help me prep food. I asked them if any were interested in saying the evening blessing to which one in particular, Taylor, said he would do it. The only expectation I had for this blessing was that I knew the fictional superhero, Superman, was to be involved. I couldn’t wait.
After I announced what meal was to be served, I told Taylor’s peers that he would be saying the blessing. Without hesitation, Taylor thrust his hands high in front of him and into the air as if he were flying and then he started to sing to the tune of the Superman theme, “Thank you Lord, for giving us food! Thank you Lord, for giving us food! For the friends we meet, for the food we eat, thank you God! Amen.”
I loved every second of it. Taylor, along with the other high school students in Camp this week have given me the energy I need—the boost, the faith that we are all here for a reason. It may be to learn about ourselves, to help others, or to get a little boost of energy from all those surrounding us.
I still don’t look forward to the hot, sweaty days of Summer but I do look forward to the energy of Summer at Camp Restore and the growth that each volunteer experiences in their own little (or BIG!) way.